Sunday, December 23, 2007

An End To All The Madness

It is now official, our Christmas gift buying is to an end. I never thought this day would come, but the madness has ended. Today was crazy. The last gifts we needed were for my brother and sister plus a gift for a gift exchange. Simple right?, Wrong. We left the house just Karen, Skyler and I, heading for the mall....big mistake. The mall was crazy. Traffic was backed up and moving slowly dispite the police's best efforts and by this time it has decided to snow heavily upon us. Then once we finely entered the mall it was time for a little push and shove. Now let me tell you , When I am shopping it is usually and in and out deal but when I have Karen with me we have to look through every store for who knows what. Today it was webkinz. I think we saw every webkinz that the mall had to offer. Keep in mind that we were not looking for webkinz or had any intention of buying a webkinz. Ok so after that great time it was time to leave. Leaving wasn't as bad as I thought but the roads had become like sheets of ice. So next was walmart and from the rumors that we had heard it was going to be just as hectic as the mall. Turns out the rumors were false.Walmart was just plain old Wal-mart (granted it can be a little crazy anytime you go). By this time Skyler is chronicly complaining of hunger like I am supposed to same some magic words and food will suddenly appear. At this time I have had it and just want to get home and do NOTHING, so we got what we needed, looked at a million things we didn't, and then headed home. After all that my brother and sister better be greatful for all I did to get their gifts. Now I know to some of you this probably sounds like an everyday event but to me it was excruciating. I hate shopping (unless it is shopping for me of course). I just hope i don't have to do it again for a long time.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Is this what christmas is all about?

So it is getting closer and closer to Christmas and I am just not feeling that Christmas Spirit. It seems that lately this time of year comes with more stress then cheer. Work slows down and money gets short and all I want to do is make sure my children have a good Christmas. Don't get me wrong we are doing ok but I can't help thinking that some things could be better. I remember when I was a kid Christmas was always the best time of the year for me, but as i get older it seems to have lost its luster. I know that I just need to stop worrying about the worldly aspect of Christmas and just make sure we have a good time as a family and remember what the holiday is really about. I know the kids will enjoy their gifts and we will have a great time at my parents on Christmas day, I just hope that within the next week now that our shopping is done I can really get into the Christmas spirit like I once did.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh Snap!

So I feel pretty special right now. For the last couple months I have watched my wife sit and blog on this thing for hours on end and now I have one of my very own. I hope to keep up with family (mostly my wifes I'm sure) and friends (mostly my wifes I'm sure), and hopefully make some new ones, granted it may be a little tough making new family on this thing. Well thats all the time I have this evening so until next time....peace out.